Levi's, Who made my jeans?!
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Do you know who made your clothes?

Who made the clothes I’m wearing today? I really have no idea. The choice of where to buy my clothes changed dramatically after one day in church, I saw a girl wearing the exact same flowery orange skirt with an orange belt I had bought earlier that week, at a franchised international fashion store. Not … Continue reading

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CSR in SMEs of Curaçao (2) “See you at Mondi Lodge”


Continuing my journey to uncover sustainable practices in small and medium- sized enterprises (SMEs) in Curaçao, I’m shedding light on Mondi (meaning ‘bush’) Lodge. Experiencing Mondi Lodge as a local searching for a natural escape away from everyday, and enjoying the comfort of this resort first hand, has inspired me to share its sustainable characteristics. … Continue reading

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CSR in SMEs of Curaçao (part 1): Curaçao Ecocity Projects- Curaloe®

Starting as of today I’m highlighting some companies which I consider to be sustainable. It has to do with my sense of pride, pride I feel for having great things resulting from such a small island in the Caribbean. The island of Curaçao.



Before getting deeper into the area of Sustainability and Corporate … Continue reading